Saturday, July 21, 2007

Smith believes investigators are using Vick to get at others

a very interesting article.

One that I was initially disappointed in when I saw the headline.

Why would a NFL Hall-of-Famer expose himself to the backlash of defending Vick?!?!?!

Who knows, but Smith makes a few good points at the end of the article so it's worth the read.

1 comment:

Paradise said...

Interesting story, Pete. As a retired attorney, I understand where Emmet Smith is coming from. It is not unusual for sting operations to be set up to catch a small fish in the hopes of nailing some bigger ones. But in this case Michael Vick is a pretty big fish. I don't know if he is guilty or not. I prefer to stick to the old adage of innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, all too often in today's media feeding frenzy just the opposite happens. And then if the celebrity is ultimately found innocent, the public never hears about it. I hope the NFL lets this thing play itself out before they take any action against Michael Vick.

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