Saturday, August 4, 2007

Pakistan criticizes Obama on comments

I'm really not sure how I feel about this article.

There are days when I agree with Obama and other days I think that Pakistan has been a solid ally in the war on terror. (we can discuss the reasons for why they are helping another day...)

Where I think my opinion waivers is in capacity versus capability...they lead to two different points of view.

I personally feel that the government of Pakistan has the capacity to help and is "on-board" with the war on terror. I also feel that they just don't have the capability to do what really needs to be done. This is due to political, financial, technological and other internal pressures that the government is experiencing.

That being said, do they get credit for trying or do we "hammer" them until they relieve those internal pressures that are limiting their effectiveness in the war on terror????

I'm not sure...someone tell me the ramifications of both approaches

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