Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sector Wrap: Infrastructure Companies

An nice article if you are interested in stocks and investments.

keep in mind that infrastructure includes roads, bridges, water, sewer and more broadly power and utility...

Disclaimer (in case anyone actually values what's written here-hehehehehe) , I don't own any of the stocks listed in the article and I will have to do more research to determine if I agree with the assumptions, but it's a start if you are looking for a place to put money. The recommendations listed in the article are made by the analyst and not by me! hehehehe how was that???

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What makes people act the way they do?

With all the recalls associated with Chinese products, do you look at the label now to see where a product is made?

NEW POLL: What percentage of baseball players were taking steriods, HGH or other enhancing drugs (like amphetamines) before the rules changes instituted by MLB?

Which would you prefer?

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