Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wife who killed preacher set free

She served only 7 months!!!

You have got to be kidding me??????????

How is this possible???

People spitting on the sidewalk have spent more time in jail than this woman.

One thing that was never proved was that her husband abused her...ever...but she did admit to shooting him in the back with a shotgun...

She also stated during the trial that she wiped blood off of his mouth while he was dying and he asked her "Why?"....now I don't know about you, but when I do something wrong...I know it...If I beat my wife, I doubt I would be confused when she got angry!!!!!!

let's get our punishments in line...Murder 7 Months????

1 comment:

Paradise said...

Pete, terrific post. In my humble opinion, this is just another example of a legal system out of control. As a retired Attorney, I can only read this kind of article with amazement. A complete overhaul of the legal system is needed desparately.

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