Monday, July 16, 2007

The $54MM pant lawsuit that just won't die

Judge Roy Pearson is back at it again...trying to harrass the Chungs again.

this has been going on way too long and shows the litigous nature of our society and the lack of protection for people from frivolous lawsuits.

This guy's case was pretty harshly slapped down by Judge Bartnoff in June and again today.

Hopefully Judge Bartnoff will grant the Chung's request and require Pearson to pay their legal fees of $83k (and growing)...

I expect this dope who is off his rocker to file an appeal very shortly...and...more money down the drain...the Chungs' money and taxpayer dollars...


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What makes people act the way they do?

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NEW POLL: What percentage of baseball players were taking steriods, HGH or other enhancing drugs (like amphetamines) before the rules changes instituted by MLB?

Which would you prefer?

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