Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Doctors, Democrats scrutinize September 11 dust

Doctors and Democrats are reviewing the impacts of this environmental disaster.

It still looks like there is more fall out to follow, and that will be political in nature.

The finger pointing has already started and the lightning rod seems to be firmly in the hands of Christie Whitman (Ex-Gov. of NJ and Environment Secretary of the EPA).

Earlier this year, a federal judge ruled that Whitman knowingly LIED to New York residents about their health risks. The case is now under appeal

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What makes people act the way they do?

With all the recalls associated with Chinese products, do you look at the label now to see where a product is made?

NEW POLL: What percentage of baseball players were taking steriods, HGH or other enhancing drugs (like amphetamines) before the rules changes instituted by MLB?

Which would you prefer?

You're at the Final table of the WSOP. You get dealt 2 Aces. What do you do?