Thursday, August 2, 2007

Indiana Jones 4 - viral ad campaigns are starting to pop up

It's filming now with Harrison Ford, Kate Blanchett, Shia LaBeouf, Ray Winstone and now Karen Allen.

Early Summer of 2008 is the projected release date...

Shia LaBeouf seems to be the new up and coming star...recently released transformers movie and now tied in with Steven Spielberg for a series of Indiana Jones movies...not bad for a 21yr old!!!

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What makes people act the way they do?

With all the recalls associated with Chinese products, do you look at the label now to see where a product is made?

NEW POLL: What percentage of baseball players were taking steriods, HGH or other enhancing drugs (like amphetamines) before the rules changes instituted by MLB?

Which would you prefer?

You're at the Final table of the WSOP. You get dealt 2 Aces. What do you do?