Saturday, August 4, 2007

McCain changes course on immigration

I think that his about face is a little late.

Has he changed his stance because of a belief change or because of politics?

Is it a good sign that he can change his opinion in a time when many of our politicians are so bull-headed????

McCain got clobbered on this issue and has moved his stance more in alignment with public opinion...I actually think that is good no matter what the reason.

While you elect politicians because of where their views are "Grounded" you want them to be open to new information and new least I do!

1 comment:

Paradise said...

Well, I'm not really surprised that McCain has changed his position. I believe that his position switch is pure political, and that he is now between a rock and a hard place. It is hard for him to say he is a man of principle, when he was so easily swayed on this one. Pandering never works. I realize that may be a little harsh, but I believe that is the reality. I have never had a problem with a politician changing their mind on an issue as they become more informed, but I don't think McCain can sell that.

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