Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Clinton promises to save Social Security

Saying this sure does get votes...unless of course you ask her to explain how she is going to do it...

I am already paying 15k in real estate taxes in NY...for a VERY modest home...I don't think I can take much more of Hillary's goodwill towards her "Fellow" New Yorkers...much less towards the rest of America!

1 comment:

Paradise said...

well, there is an easy way to save social security, but no one wants to bite the bullet. quit raiding the ss fund. eliminate the cost of living increases.

What makes people act the way they do?

With all the recalls associated with Chinese products, do you look at the label now to see where a product is made?

NEW POLL: What percentage of baseball players were taking steriods, HGH or other enhancing drugs (like amphetamines) before the rules changes instituted by MLB?

Which would you prefer?

You're at the Final table of the WSOP. You get dealt 2 Aces. What do you do?